Our CBD Ingredients

Take a Journey with us.

Here we will go in detail of each essential oil and what inspired us to use them in our 1000MG CBD Muscle & Joint rub.


Pure Ginger Root Essential Oil

Many say this root is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Plus can benefit those with anxiety, PMS & menstruation symptoms, pain and soreness overall. Calling all women!


Pure Camphor Essential Oil

When we say our creams are packed, we added more. Camphor oil helps increase local blood flow through the entire body and gives that ahhhh warming effect on your skin.

Hemp Seed Oil

The extraction from hemp seeds of the hemp plant. The extraction occurs through cold-pressing, similar to the way that olives are cold-pressed to make olive oil. Experts agree that this 3:1 fatty acid ratio of hemp seed oil is ideal for health benefits in humans.
three shea nuts, one is filled with butter. Close up obtained by blending together 14 photos to maximize depth of field

Natural Shea Butter

Shea butter is seed fat that comes from the shea tree. Shea butter works like an emollient, and known to help soften or smooth dry skin. Shea butter also contains substances that can reduce skin swelling. This might help treat conditions associated with skin swelling such as eczema.

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Hemp Derived CBD Isolate

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). Derived directly from the hemp plant, and manufactured in a laboratory. One of hundreds of components in cannabis, CBD does not cause a "high" by itself.
CBD has been known to help with an array of issues ranging from pain management to insomnia.

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Even more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties!  Packing our creams with all the goods the ground has to offer and bringing it to you in its purest form.


Lavender Essential Oil

Widely known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Lavender oil has been linked as an overall helper with reducing symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress and restlessness.

Lavender Oil is a woman's friend!

Menthol crystals in spoon on grey background, closeup

Menthol Crystal

Used in aromatherapy, Menthol Crystals promote easier breathing. Temporarily relieve nasal congestion, soothe sore throats, alleviate fever symptoms, coughs, headaches, and sinus discomforts, support immunity, and stabilize the emotions.

Menthol adds to the comforting warmth you feel with our products.


White Beeswax

All Beeswax are a product made from the honeycomb of the honeybee and other bees. The mixing of pollen oils into honeycomb wax turns the white wax into a yellow or brown color. Beeswax has been used before on things like high cholesterol, pain, fungal skin infections, and other conditions.